November Reviewer Discount Month - 5th Nov to 30th Nov 2012

Have you used Armadillo Pets?  If you write a review about us and let us know, you qualify for a 10% discount on your next booking with us!

You may choose where to leave your review, but here are some suggestions:
Your reviews help others make good decisions, and keep us in business.  Word of mouth is our most vital advertising method, so we want to thank you for helping us :)

Terms: For all services.  To take advantage of this offer, you must have reviewed Armadillo Pets on at least one of the links provided, and have booked your pet service before 11pm on the 30th November 2012, and your voucher may be used on any pet service that begins on or before the 1st May 2013, and can last up to one month.  After we have verified your review, we will email your coupon for your discount within 5 days.